Recent Trend Determination of Groundwater Level along with Inter-Reliant Hydrologic Components Applying the Mann-Kendall Test, Linear Regression and Geometrical Progression: A Case Study for Bogra District in Bangladesh

Document Type : Regular Paper


1. Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh 2. Institute of Water Modelling, Dhaka, Bangladesh


Groundwater, a special hydrological variable, and freshwater resource are completely inter-reliant with hydro-meteorological, topographic, land use and hydro-geological components of the hydrologic cycle. The trend of hydrologic components for future prediction is attempted to confer in this study applying the Man-Kendall test, linear regression, and geometric progression analysis on recorded data collected from recognizing the organization of Bangladesh. Bogra district is selected as the study area, which is characterized by fluctuating hydrological components over the years. Temporal distribution and the recent trend of dominating hydrologic variables are analyzed, and the spatial distribution map is presented to discuss localize disparity within the study area. Groundwater abstraction and corresponding recharge reliant with hydro-meteorology and hydro-geology simultaneously with land use pattern are attempted to comprehend in this research.


Main Subjects

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