Preparation of Same Acceleration Maps for Use in the Improvement of Structures in Sabzevar City

Document Type : Regular Paper


1 Department of Civil Engineering, Hakim Sabzevari University, Sabzevar, Iran

2 Department of Civil Engineering, Kateb University, Kabul, Afghanistan


Seismicity zoning was conducted for different areas of Iran due to general zoning in relative regulations. For increasing reliability in achieving desired safety margin and select a carefully basic acceleration of plan due to the sensitivity of the subject and usage of this parameter in the calculation of the basic shear and control on stability of the construction components, on the other hand, It is essential to zoning more accurate and partially. In this paper, in order to preparation of same acceleration maps of both the horizontal and the vertical component of the acceleration as a case study in the city of Sabzevar in Iran, the seismic springs identified and seismic parameters of the area extracted. According to attenuation relationships and the proper reasonable tree, probabilistic seismic hazard analysis was conducted. The effect of the vertical component was also applied. Two soil type has been selected for review. The first type of soil based on soil type I, II and second type of soil based on soil type III, IV of soil classification based on Iran’s standard No. 2800. After doing the analysis of same acceleration maps according to different design levels with a return period of 475, 225, 72 and 2475 and based on seismic improvement buildings instruction in 50 years of useful life and two types of soil were calculated and plotted. Also, the results of the analysis of the potential risk of seismic with the results for the study zoning area Iran’s standard No. 2800 were compared.


Main Subjects

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