Risk Prioritization in Water and Wastewater Projects Using a Decision Model Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process

Document Type : Regular Paper


1 Department of Civil Engineering, Neyshabur Branch, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabur, Iran

2 New Materials Technology and Processing Research Center, Department of Civil Engineering, Neyshabur Branch, Islamic Azad University, Neyshabur, Iran

3 Department of Industrial Engineering, Shirvan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Shirvan, Iran


The risk management standard published by the Project Management Institute (PMI), entitled Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), was utilized in the present study as the primary method for evaluation of risk management. The general purpose of this article is to prioritize risk in water and wastewater projects through the analytic hierarchy process (AHP). The statistical population considered here covers all the factors involved in water and sewage projects. Sample size determination was done based on the Morgan table, which resulted in selecting 59 high-expertise experts. The Delphi method, a process used to arrive at a group opinion or decision by surveying a panel of experts, was used for risk identification. After entering the raw data into an Expert Choice program, based on the AHP decision model, data analysis was completed. The obtained results indicate that budget deficit is the most critical risk factor of the project, preceding by inflation and international sanctions. Furthermore, risk factors related to expanding the project relationship with other areas, the area's religious location, and the area's environmental hazards, and the project site are the least important ranking items.


Main Subjects

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