Reliability and Sensitivity Analysis of Gravity Retaining Wall Stability: Investigating the Effect of Construction Defects

Document Type : Research Note


1 Assistant Professor, Mechanical Modelling, Energy & Materials (M²EM) Laboratory, LR24ES23, National School of Engineers of Gabes (ENIG), University of Gabes, Tunisia

2 Professor, Institut Pascal - UMR CNRS, Clermont Auvergne INP, Clermont Auvergne University, Clermont-Ferrand, France


The safety evaluation of retaining structures, especially in cases of potential instability or disaster, frequently depends on empirical methods that apply overall safety factors. In this article, an innovative approach employing probabilistic methods to assess the reliability of gravity retaining walls, considering uncertainties in parameters and their inherent variability, has been introduced. This study applies First Order Reliability Method (FORM) to assess the influence of construction defects and soil-structure friction on gravity wall reliability. his approach represents notable progress over traditional empirical methods, which rely on total safety factors and frequently manage uncertainties arbitrarily. The paper is indeed novel as it integrates probabilistic methods into the analysis of gravity retaining wall stability, offering a more nuanced understanding of the reliability of these structures. This contribution seeks to enhance safety assessments and rehabilitation strategies in civil engineering practices, with a focus on addressing uncertainties in geotechnical parameters and construction defects.


  • This study integrates probabilistic methods into the analysis of gravity retaining wall stability, providing a more comprehensive assessment of structural safety.
  • We evaluate the probability of failure against three critical modes: overturning, sliding, and bearing capacity, enhancing our understanding of potential failure mechanisms.
  • Through sensitivity analysis, we identify the most influential parameters, allowing for targeted mitigation strategies and improved design practices.
  • Parametric analysis examines the impact of the friction angle between soil and wall, as well as evaluates the effect of construction defects on wall stability, contributing valuable insights for engineering decision-making and risk management.


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