An Experimental Study on the Effect of Using Embedded Glass Fiber Geogrid Mesh on the Flexural Behavior of Concrete Beams

Document Type : Regular Paper


Department of Civil Engineering, Persian Gulf University, Shahid Mahini Street, Bushehr, P.O. Box 75169-13817, Iran


Nowadays, concrete is one of the most commonly used building and pavement materials. The type of concrete that has been used more than the other types is the concrete reinforced with steel. Due to the disadvantages of reinforcing concrete with steel such as corrosion, heavy weight, high cost and high-energy production, Glass Fiber Geogrid Mesh (GFGM) is chosen in this study for investigating the flexural reinforcement in the concrete beams. Fifty concrete beams in dimensions of 65 cm × 15 cm × 15 cm with different layers of GFGM, placements, curing times (28 and 90 days) and various concrete mixing designs (25 and 30 MPa) were reinforced in order to be compared with the unreinforced concrete beams (control beams). Then, the beams were tested under three-point bending test using displacement control mechanism. The results showed that the peak load capacity increased at most to 48.6 % in comparison with the Control Beams. Furthermore, a complete bonding between the GFGM and the concrete was indicated. It was also observed that the deflection at the midspan of the specimens reinforced with different Geogrid placements did not follow a specific pattern.


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