Document Type : Regular Paper
PG Student, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, National Institute of Technology Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh, India
A gravity dam with concrete is a vast construction that keeps a large volume of water on its upstream side, and its ability to withstand seismic vibrations is critical. So, it is a question of investigation to determine the fluctuating performance of a dam under various dynamic loads, which is an essential and highly complex component of dam safety crterion. The fluctuating behaviour of the various 3D models of the arch-gravity concrete dam, including the dam amid the earth interface, a dam devoid of earth interface, and a dam situated among earth and water systems, has been developed using finite element software ANSYS. These computational models can be improved to perform seismic examination of concrete gravity arch dams, exploring both the foundation-structure interaction and the reservoir water level, which influence stress distribution within the dam. The linkage among the dam and the reservoir is examined by implementing a modified Westergaard's technique, and the dam body is represented with 3D Soild 186 elements. Furthermore, damping effects are used to assess their impact on fluctuating investigation. The responses of this dam are compared to the Seismic shaking acceleration of the Chamba seismic information occasion (1995), which is derived from Earthquake Databases. As per the dynamic analysis outcomes, the time-dependent variation of various displacements and stress on various dam locations, such as the dam's crest, heel, and toe, has been computed and analyzed, as well as their maximum values during earthquake time duration. The computation outcomes demonstrated that the interplay among the dam, foundation, and reservoir is critical in accurately estimating the fluctuating performance of dams. The exploration concluded that the simulated results of earthquake ground motion offer maximum displacement and maximum pressure for a dam devoid of earth interface than the dam amid earth interface, and fewer displacement for a dam situated among earth and water systems, The hydrodynamic water pressure from the reservoir induces stresses within the dam framework and horizontal displacements that range on the crest. Dam engineers can utilize this research to enhance the integrity and reliability of the dam, laying the groundwork for future experimental and fatigue assessments of the dam under numerous dynamic loads.
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