Historical and Structural Analysis of the Lintel Fracture Over the Monastery of El Escorial Main Door

Document Type : Regular Paper


Professor, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), Barcelona, Spain


Lintels are typical horizontal elements of the oldest buildings, especially in Egypt and Greece. Their presence has been constant throughout the centuries in countless buildings and constructions. When the lintels are masonry, they have many limitations due to their low flexural strength, which can cause their fracture. Here we analyze a very relevant case in a very significant monument. This article conducts a historical analysis to diagnose the moment in which the fracture of the lintel of the main door of the Monastery of El Escorial occurred and a structural analysis to diagnose the causes and danger of this fracture. Analyzing the fractured lintel on the main entrance door of the Monastery of El Escorial is important for several reasons related to its historical, architectural, and conservation significance. A fractured lintel could indicate broader structural issues that, if not addressed, could compromise the building's stability, or simply be a logical consequence of the normal functioning of this structural element.


Main Subjects

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