Earthquake Vulnerability and Seismic Risk Assessment of Bandar Abbas in South of Iran

Document Type : Regular Paper


1 Ph.D., Faculty Staff, Islamic Azad University, Pardis Branch, Postal Code: 135-16555, Pardis new city, Tehran, Iran

2 Ph.D. Candidate, College of Civil Engineering, Babol Noshirvani University of Technology, Postal Code: 47148-71167, Babol, Iran

3 Professor, Center of Excellence for Fundamental Studies in Structural Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, Iran University of Science & Technology, Postal Code: 16846-13114, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


Bandar Abbas (center of Hormozgan province) is the most important port city in the south of Iran because of its historical places, cultural, economic, social and political importance. High risk of earthquake occurrence in this city and its province indicates the necessity of surveying the seismic vulnerability of buildings. The object of this paper is collected from existing Buildings, compiled by aggregating data from sidewalk surveys and other observations. Estimated loss distributions and damage were mapped on area by area. Seismic hazard in the area was obtained using the seismic source zones for a probability level of 10 percent occurrence in 50 years. Finally value of vulnerability was mapped on seismic zones in each area. The older areas of the cities are expected to suffer the highest amount of damage and the highest seismic hazard occurs in these areas as well. We can realize the general vulnerability of the city.


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